Fablab TI is one of the cases of the MAKE-IT project where the lab’s internal features and relations and interactions with makers and their initiatives were explored to determine how these maker communities are organized and governed. What Makers do in the labs and their interactions with their peers and third parties, and the various ways this impacts on and adds value to society.
Fablab TI team
Fablab is funded and hosted by the Danish Technological Institute (DTI)—a non-profit self-owned organization of over 1000 specialists and 10 business units aimed at improving the exploitation of new technologies of SMEs via an interdisciplinary approach and advanced technical facilities. Fablab TI however, is fairly autonomous of DTI and is based on the work of the Inventor Advisory Service started in 1972, and where Danish citizens are offered free of charge support, advice and counselling of their ideas and products.
Lab management and personnel consists of:
- a core team of three persons
- the Head of the Inventor Advisory Service
- a Fablab Manager, and
- a Tangibility Manager
- 6 Inventor Advisors
- 1 student lab assistant
- 1 graphics student
- 1 journalist and storyteller
Within Fablab TI there is a strong focus on training the lab’s future core team from among its student body.

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