MAKE-IT Workshops at Maker Faire Barcelona 2017

Barcelona Marker Faire hosts the most inspired, talented and ambitious makers, enthusiastic to share all their knowledge and creativity through exhibitions, workshops, and interactive demos. If you are a Maker, we have an appointment on 17th – 18th June at Barcelona Maker Faire 2017 (Fira Barcelona Montjuic, Pavellò Italià). Save the date and come with your family and your friends!

With the participation of leading international experts that will present and discuss the latest results and contributions in education, society, and economics, Barcelona Maker Faire wants to contribute promoting imagination, creativity, innovation and learning of new skills and ideas.


Check out MAKE-IT workshops at Maker Faire Barcelona 2017:

June 17th June 18th

MAKE-IT Workshop: How Labs become relevant

MAKE-IT Workshop: Reaching out to everyone inclusive maker spaces

MAKE-IT Workshop: Sustainable Business Models for Labs

MAKE-IT Workshop: Facilitation of Idea Validation

Let’s share experiences with others and get closer to the latest technologies and maker initiatives.

Let’s reveal the inventor, creator, engineer, innovative craftsman that lives inside of you!

Barcelona Maker Faire 2017

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