D3.1: case study on 10 different Maker initiatives

Want to know more about Maker initiatives? How they are organized? How the Maker community forms around the initiative and how makers learn from each other? Which values are important and which impact is created in Maker initiatives?

These are the fundamental research questions that we have addressed in case studies in 10 different Maker initiatives in Europe. We have conducted in total 39 interviews with managers of these initiatives and makers which build the basis for in-depth case descriptions that range from Makerspaces and Fab Labs such as Fab Lab Barcelona in Spain, Happylab Vienna in Austria, DTI Fab Lab in Denmark, HRW Fab Lab and Dezentrale in Germany, and Fab Lab Zagreb in Croatia to companies operating at the interface between making and industry, such as Arduino in Italy, Smart Bending Factory in the Netherlands and Create It Real in Denmark and a Maker Faire, namely the Mini Maker Faire Tartu in Estonia.

We just released the results of the case study in Deliverable D3.1 here below or also on its page, where you can also comment it.

Furthermore, you can read more about in the deliverables here below and on theĀ MAKE-IT process page.

D3.1 Report on case study findings, focusing on individual case analysis

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