MAKE-IT talk at Maker Faire Rome 2016

Several members of the MAKE-IT consortium recently participated at Maker Faire Rome 2016, the largest Maker Faire in Europe since 2013 (you can check the 2015 edition or see videos from the 2013, 2014 and 2015 editions). We had several meetings and activities during Maker Faire Rome 2016, and we will publish more blog posts and contents in the next weeks. For example, last week we already had a blog post by David Langley with his first impressions regarding the Maker Faire Rome 2016.

In this blog post, we publish the slides and video from a talk that we gave in order to present and discuss the MAKE-IT with makers and other visitors: MAKE-IT: a project for understanding and experimenting online platforms for the governance of Maker communities.

This talk, shared by several partners of the MAKE-IT project (and not just me, I only presented MAKE-IT in the first part), presented the project, its plan, the planned outcomes and processes and discussed it with the audience. Among the participants in the discussion we had Sherry Lassiter from the Fab Foundation, and Fiorenza Lipparini from PlusValue.

Here you can access the presentation file:

And here’s a recording of the whole discussion:

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